Sunday, 17 August 2014

Yummy Blueberry Rolls

We have had a few requests for cakes to be cooked in the camp oven on the fire, so we thought we would give blueberry rolls a try.

Ryan was a keen starter, he enjoyed mixing and kneading all the ingredients together. It was a bit of a squash to get all the rolls into the camp oven.

Ryan had some helpers to carry the oven to the fire.
It was hung from the tripod and then we had to wait...a long time.
 After checking it a couple of times it was finally time to do a taste test, Cassandra carefully tipped it out of the camp oven, it looked and smelt amazing.
We sold our yummy treat in our Kai CafĂ©, it was very popular with some children having seconds. Ryan thought it was delicious! There was even enough for Ryan to take a little home to share with his whanau. I wonder what we will try next.
Written by Cassandra

1 comment:

  1. Great to see the kids cooking outside, cant wait for nature discovery....
