Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Out and About...Walking to the Library and Park

Finding different ways to connect our tamariki with our local community is really important to us and one of the ways we do this is by walking to our local library and park. Through this experience our tamariki are developing skills and knowledge that will help support their learning about the wider world.

On our walk today Armani was excited to share with us that we were getting close to her Nans house, as we approached Nan was driving out her drive in her little blue car. She was so excited to see Armani and jumped out of her car and gave Armani a big hug and asked us where we were off to.

As we continued on our walk we came across a picture of our students mum and dad on a real estate sign, this lead to questions about why were they on the sign.
We were nearly at the library when we came across a sneaky driveway with a car with its engine on, what should we do? we were in quite a dilemma as Ruben hadn't talked to us about this! Cassandra checked it out and discovered that nobody was sitting in the drivers seat so it was safe to cross.
We had a great time at the library choosing books and getting stamps from the librarian, then we headed to the park.

Sacha gave the balance board a go.

Evie on the bee.

Felix tires out the flying fox.

Ava shows us something new she can do.

Sacha reaches the top and Ava begins the challenge.
Jack watches Armani go down the slide.

On the way home Kim suggested we go a different way and as we walked through the primary school we were surprised by Evie's dad who snuck up behind her, he walked with us back to kindergarten where we were just in time for lunch. 
 Written by Cassandra

1 comment:

  1. Hope I didn't scare you too much :) It was great to see you all having so much fun :)
