Monday 11 August 2014

Apo the Greedy Taniwha

Today we waited with anticipation  for Jeffery and Whaitaima to arrive, to perform their puppet show Apo the Greedy Taniwha. As attendance was a little low today we invited the New Entrant class from Tuakau Primary to join us.
After warming up with a couple of songs the two characters were introduced, Apo a greedy taniwha and Uia the biscuit boy. Through the story we were introduced to the guardian spirits.





During the show there were many opportunities for the children to participate in a variety of roles, as the forest, kumara, rocks that rumbled and created a volcano,the wind that blew the biscuit boy to safety in his waka and the fish from tangaroa's ocean.   
Our children have recently become familiar with the guardian spirits through the story 'In The Beginning.' The puppet show cemented their knowledge and familiarity with these and provided  opportunities for children to act and feel the importance of the characters in a purposeful, inspiring and fun filled way.


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