Thursday 28 August 2014

Visit to the Community Garden

Over the last three years we have been working towards building a reciprocal relationship with our local Community garden. We regularly take the children to the garden to see what is growing, pick flowers and simply just to have fun running around enjoying the garden. We also pick vegetables and use this fresh produce in our cooking back at kindergarten. To give back to the Community garden we have helped with the gardening, planted some seedlings and have made a large mosaic sign for the front.

Today we spent some time at the Community Garden digging over the leek bed pulling the weeds out. This sits well with our commitment as an Enviroschool, caring for our environment. It is also developing links between kindergarten and the wider world as the children help maintain the gardens and kindergarten environment.

Left: Caitlin uses the spade to turn the soil over.

Right: Sheryl pulls the unwanted weeds out of the garden.

Written by Donna  29.08.2014

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