Tuesday 5 August 2014


A day of discoveries at Sharda

What a great day we had today, exploring nature at the Sharda Centre. We were
accompanied by Hudson and Louise's Dads today and Adriana's Mum.
We made a couple of discoveries today, Adriana found a huge big fat worm and was
really excited when it began wiggling in her hand. Our other discovery wasn't quite
as easy to work out exactly what it was, we came across this very unusual object...
Louise suggested that maybe it was a worm cage.

We had a close look at it and discovered that it had erupted out of a toadstool,
when Cassandra investigated further with a stick it was a perfect circle completely
separate from the toadstool. We decided to leave it where we found it so we
can look to see if it is still there next week.

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