Monday 18 August 2014

Nature Discovery at Sharda

Louise has been requesting that we make a cake at Nature Discovery, so today we decided to give it a go. Alex, Caitlin, Jack, Sacha and Taylor all had a go at cracking our chickens eggs into the mix.
Louise was keen to give it a stir once the delicious chocolate mix was added, we all thought it smelt yummy. Caitlyn very kindly held the bowl for Louise. Once the cake was mixed we went off exploring to the climbing trees. The children really enjoy paddling in all the puddles and climbing the tree with the 'slide'.
Then it was time to head back to camp and cook our chocolate brownie. We had to be very patient and wait for the fire to burn down before we could put the camp oven on the tri pod. The brownie took a long time to cook.
But once it was done we all agreed it was worth the wait...yummy.
Written by Cassandra


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