Thursday 28 August 2014

Looking after our Environment

We are extremely proud to be part of the Enviroschools programme and encourage our children to care for and respect our environment. This expectation is documented in our kindergarten Treaty/Care code that has been created with the children.

The children regularly demonstrate this care and respect in numerous ways.
Yesterday, Chocolates cage (our rabbit) had been moved and there was some long grass left where it had been. Today out came the lawnmower and the children set to work taking turns to mow the lawn.
After taking his turn to mow, Lakhan found a broom and swept the grass clippings from the concrete.
Armani helped out by sweeping up the piles of grass clippings and sand that Lakhan had created. What a great team effort!
With spring just around the corner, last week Ava, Bonnie and Armani helped to weed and replant the garden.
 We believe that by providing children with real and purposeful experiences helps them to develop a sense of belonging and a belief that their contributions are valued and appreciated. 
Written by Dianne


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