Tuesday 10 February 2015

Welcome back to Kindergarten

We had a great start to our new term with lots of tamariki sharing their holiday stories with us. A number of our tamariki remained on holiday during the first two weeks of term (lucky them!), this enabled us to do a couple of trips with everyone at kindergarten.
We were able to do a walk to the Library and on our way our tamariki were able to practice watching for sneaky drives and greeting people we came across. Once at the library we were warmly welcomed by the librarian, she said she had missed seeing us during the holidays. We were able to check out books with a sea theme as many of our tamariki had spent time at the beach during the holidays.
Our tamariki enjoyed reconnecting with our local park, revisiting favourite areas like the flying fox and the huge spiders web.

Taylor challenged herself to reach the top of the spiders web.
Jake, Louise and Tyler had great fun trying to stay on the spinning disk!
We are already looking forward to our next visit.
 Written by Cassandra

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