Tuesday 10 February 2015

Megan's Maori Potatoes

 Last year we were invited by Megan from the community garden to plant some Maori Potatoes she had been given by a friend. So on a visit to the garden we thought we should check on their progress. We discovered that they were ready to be harvested and after a little digging our tamariki discovered the most beautiful purple potatoes buried under the soil. It was exciting to watch with anticipation to see how many potatoes would be revealed with each lift of soil.
We had many helpers collecting handfuls of potaoes and putting them into our baskets ready for the next step back at kindergarten. Dianne asked the children how they like to eat potatoes and many replied chips, so it was decided that when we returned to kindergarten we would make purple potato chips. The children helped cut the potatoes into wedges ready for the oven. Once they were cooked we all agreed that purple chips are delicious!
Written by Cassandra

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