Wednesday 24 September 2014

Ka kite Kim

Today we farewelled a valuable member of our team...Kim. One of her favourite books is 'The terrible underpants' so that was the theme of the day.

Leading up to the day the children had been busy creating a variety of underpant pictures to put on display around the kindergarten.                                                                      
Everyone was invited to wear a pair of underpants over their clothes and we had a very special pair of underpants for Kim to wear. Included in the celebrations was a delicious shared lunch with a terrible underpants cake (Mahi pai Jess!)                                                                                     
Kim will be sadly missed by the children, parents and teaching team. We wish her all the best for her new teaching position at Mason Ave kindergarten. Ka kite Kim. 

 Written by Donna 24.09.2014

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