Thursday, 23 October 2014

A new swing at LaValla

Today I thought we could create a new swing at Nature Discovery so on our way to Lavalla we stopped off at Profarm to purchase some rope. The children were excited to be doing something a little different on our journey and were excited to help Leah and I measure the rope.
We looked at all the different trees around where we have our other two swings and discovered a nice thick branch that looked sturdy enough to support the swing. Then we had to look for a seat, Ava and her mum found the perfect piece of wood, long enough to tie the rope on each end. Ava offered to do the test run, which I thought was very brave as we are never too sure how the swings will perform! We all agreed it was best to stat off with little pushes, which slowly developed into bigger ones. Everyone enjoyed taking turns to either push or be pushed it was great to see our tamariki negotiating the order of the turn taking.
 Hauiti noticed that Tyler was having a little trouble getting onto the swing, he just couldn't quite jump high enough to get on the seat.
So Hauiti showed Tyler how to Tyler tried again a few times,
but still had no luck...
So Hauiti showed Tyler how to jump and pull himself up onto the swing, so Tyler tried again...but still had no luck...
So Hauiti offered to hold the swing thinking that maybe that was the problem, he then said Jump Tyler jump! So Tyler jumped, Hauiti held the swing but still they had no luck.
Hauiti gave it one more shot and tried to lift his friend onto the swing and Tyler jumped, but still they had no luck so Hauiti called me and said..."Cassandra Tyler cant get on the swing can you help him"
And so I did. Hauiti asked if he could use my camera to take a photo of his friend, and what a great photo he took. I was so proud of Hauiti and Tylers perseverance today, it would have been so easy for them to have given up a lot sooner and asked for help. Instead they worked together, with Hauiti problem solving and supporting his friend. When Tyler finally made it onto the swing he wasn't the only one with a great big smile, Hauiti and I had one too!
Written by Cassandra



Monday, 20 October 2014

Exploring Imaginative play through 'Junk'

The saying one persons junk is another persons treasure is certainly true at Tuakau Kindergarten, we are committed to either repurposing or purchasing items we need from our local second hand store River Traders. At the end of term three I noticed our friends at Mairtown Kindergarten had been doing some neat things with junk and I thought we can do that! We started off term four with a selection of found objects that had been collected from around the kindergarten as well as the addition of three pallets from our friends at Profarm, these items were left in a pile on the grass.
Paris and Aleah were the first to discover the pile, they looked puzzled so I explained that the equipment was there to use in any way they wanted, they became very excited and began arranging the items. They discovered some items were easy to lift, others were really heavy but by working together they managed to move almost everything. That is until they got to the final was so heavy!
Serj, Hauiti and Caitlin had all been watching Paris and Aleah's progress, they all noticed when Aleah and Paris began struggling with the large pallet, Caitlin was the first to jump up and lend a hand followed closely by Hauiti and Serj. Together they all started lifting and finally it was off the ground, Aleah and Paris were able to direct them where to go. Serj and Hauiti decided the house also needed a ladder which Aleah and Paris were enthusiastic about the addition. With the help of their friends Aleah and Paris were able to complete their house.

The house was very popular and Aleah and Paris were very proud of their achievements and returned to it throughout the day. Since this creation many of the other children have enjoyed exploring this equipment and have turned it into many things including....

A bus going to the toy museum driven by Evie,
Serj and Grayson off on a trip in their car,
Melanie driving her car through the Kentucky Fried Chicken drive through.
Its been great to see the amount of team work these items have encouraged and the imaginative play and ideas being tried and shared. I am looking forward to seeing what is created next.
Written by Cassandra